7 Top Benefits To Include Raisin Water In Your Diet

Add raisin water to your diet and reap all the incredible benefits that come with consuming it daily. In this blog, we’ll talk about what raisin water is and the benefits of drinking raisin water for your skin and overall health.

What Is Raisin Water?

Raisin water is exactly what the name suggests. It is raisins, also known as Kishmish, that are soaked in water for a period of time, usually overnight. The water is first boiled and the raisins are added and soaked overnight. The following morning, it is strained and heated again. The flavour of the water can be enhanced with some lemon and drank on an empty stomach.

Why Should You Prefer Raisin Water Over Raw Raisins?

organic raisin (kishmis)

The benefits of kishmish water surpass the benefits of regular raw raisins. The outer skin contains minerals and vitamins that dissolve in the water. These nutrients that usually pass through your body when eaten raw are now ingested through the water. Needless to say, the benefits of drinking raisin water help with your skin, hair, and overall health.

#ISOTip: Golden raisins are known to be fruitier and tastier than brown raisins. However, they have the same benefits.

Experience Incredible Health Benefits Of Drinking Raisin Water

Here are the incredible kismis water benefits that you can reap from including it in your daily diet.

  • Detoxify the blood:

Raisin water flushes out the toxins from the body. It cleanses the organs like the liver and even reduces the risk of heart disease (1).

  • Rich source of iron, hence known to treat anaemia:

If you have an iron deficiency, then drinking raisin water has its benefits as it helps to increase the blood flow in the body, and along with the B-Complex vitamins, it prevents anaemia (2).

  • Boosts energy levels:

If you’re feeling low and unenergetic, raisin water is beneficial to provide the required energy that your body needs to function throughout the day at a better rate (3).

  • Improves gut health:

The benefits of raisins soaked in water overnight are that they help to maintain clean and healthy gut health, drink raisin water as it contains fibre and natural fluids that are insoluble and known to aid in digestion.

Direct Link: Buy Organic Raisin (Kishmish) Online

  • Treats acidity:

If you struggle with acidity, then one of the many benefits of drinking raisins soaked in water is that it helps to regulate the acid in the stomach because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Promotes weight loss:

Fructose and glucose are two natural sugars that provide the body with energy for long periods of time and sustain the body which prevents food cravings.

  • Promotes clear skin:

Another raisin water benefit for the skin is that it helps to battle acne and can even help to clear out the skin. It is a source of dietary fibre that avoids constipation and clears the digestive tract.

#ISOTip: Raisins are rich in vitamins, fiber, and minerals and they’re packed with energy.


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Q. Which variety of raisins is best to eat?

A: Golden raisins are said to be far superior to brown because they are tastier and fruitier.

Q. Are soaked raisins better than raw raisins?

A: Yes, they are. The skin of raw raisins is usually passed through the body but when soaked in water, the nutrients dissolve and disgusted by our body easily.

Q. Is it okay to drink raisin water daily?

A: Yes. There are lots of benefits of drinking raisin water daily like keeping you healthy and preventing anemia

Q. Which is the best time to drink raisin water - morning or night?

A: It is best to drink raisin water for weight loss, skin, and overall health in the morning on an empty stomach.

Q. Does drinking raisin water help in weight loss?

A: Yes, it does. It can curb your cravings and sustain you for longer periods of time because of the presence of two natural sugars - fructose and glucose.

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