Organic Foods: Everything You Need to Know

As the name suggests, organic food is free from any chemical adulterants and is developed without the utilization of manufactured synthetic substances, like human-made pesticides and manures. It does not contain genetically modified organisms. The term "organic" refers to the method in which agrarian items are produced and processed.
Organic food products are delivered by farmers who underline the utilization of sustainable assets and the protection of soil and water to upgrade environmental quality for future generations to come. Before an item can be marked "organic," a government-endorsed certifier investigates the farm where the food is developed and then attests the products for sale purposes.
Now, let us know about animals used for organic farming. These animals raised for meat and dairy items are bred accordingly considering their regular practices. They may not be provided with any growth steroids or hormones. Pests are controlled utilizing natural strategies and naturally driven pesticides. Unlike in the case of non-organic farming, in organic one, the farm animals must have the permission of the outdoors.
What is organic food?
You must be wondering about the difference between normal and organic food. Don't worry! We at I Say Organic are here to clarify all your doubts. Organic foods are the ones that are at least 95 percent organic as per the definitive usage of the term. As per the definition, they should be free from counterfeit chemicals, anti-infection agents, chemicals, and genetically modified organisms to meet all requirements for this label. There can not be any artificial food added substances in these items. However, in some instances, organic food may not be completely chemical-free. They might be developed at a farm not recently utilized for organic food creation and, subsequently, could contain synthetic deposits. Notwithstanding, the pesticide buildups in natural organic food are extensively lower than those seen in conventional cultivating - where food sources are created with synthesized products. A few pesticides allowed for use in natural organic farming incorporate copper, sulphate, pyrethrins, Lime sulphur and calcium polysulphide.
A famous saying, "You are what you eat", summarizes the need to eat nutritious and chemical-free food to remain mentally and physically healthy. Many people are shifting their interest to organic food due to its advantages. But why organic food? We at I Say Organic have listed the list of pros of organic food for you :
What are the Benefits of Organic Food?
1. High levels of Polyunsaturated Fats
Numerous reports depict that organic dairy items can contain more elevated levels of omega-3 unsaturated fats. Milk items may contain elevated levels of vitamin E, iron, and carotenoids.
2. Environment - friendly mode of production
The absence of any chemical preservatives, pesticides or insecticides make organic farming environment-friendly cultivation. Thus, helping in reducing the negative environmental impact and providing maximum nutrients at the same time.
3. They are pocket friendly
Some of the organic foods are cheaper than their conventional counterparts. Presenting yourself to less chemically produced pesticides and herbicides increases the possibility for you to save money and get a good deal on future medical services costs.
4. Support the local economy
Since organic food sources do not travel too much, most stores stock locally developed items for their shoppers to appreciate. That implies your acquisition of these chemical-free leafy foods will help the neighborhood economy reinvest the benefits.
5. Safer to eat
Eating conventionally produced food items makes you vulnerable to catching infections like infertility issues, Parkinson's disease, digestive disorders and many others. Organic foods, on the other hand, promise a healthy lifestyle.
6. Less amount of pesticide residues
If you contrast organic food varieties with traditionally grown ones, there is a huge drop within sight of pesticide buildups on everything.
Which Food products are generally Organic?
Fruits and vegetables top the category of most sold organic foods since the natural organic food industry started its retail business more than thirty years ago. Many people prefer to eat organically grown strawberries, spinach, kale, apples, grapes and cherries across the globe. What are you waiting for? Stop wasting your time just thinking about organic food and hit the groceries to give your body the nutrition and chemical-free food it deserves.
How to know if you are buying organic?
Regularly, the Indian market is overflowed with new organic food items, which have all the earmarks of being nutritious and not the same as the locally grown food items. The assortment of choices made by every one of these items confuse the credibility and authenticity of their cases. But we at I Say Organic have got you covered with all the essential organic food information. To confirm the genuineness of organic foods, look for logos introduced by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India and other food industry organizations. India Organic Logo, PGS-India Logo, and Jaivik Bharat logos are some of the mandatory-to-check logos on your food items before buying them. Another way to confirm the originality of organic food is by using the web portal designed by FSSAI, APEDA and PGS-India.
Organic foods not only elevate your physical and mental health but also help in protecting the environment as they are not chemically produced. Organic foods take a longer time to grow than artificially synthesized foods, due to which they develop lower water content and a fuller flavor profile. By consuming organic foods, the danger of weakening of immune system strength is lowered considerably owing to the production process of the organic foods. They are free of GMOs and growth hormones.